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How to say "I love you”

How to say "I love you”

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“Boredom threatens
the relationship between a man and a woman and our culture drowns quality
of desire with quantity instead of accepting the challenge of faithful marriage
and "forever",
relationships and "stories" multiply
in search of an elusive novelty.

It is Love, loving, not the well-being the law of man

Eliminated from love the "forever", inexhaustible source of freshness, relationships and "stories" multiply, in search of an elusive novelty.

Instead, accept the challenge of "forever" and love the same woman all her life, in faithful and indissoluble marriage, building a family, reveals itself as a form of realization of the desire that is unique and extremely convenient to the person.

Who hasn’t met married couples with many years of marriage in whose eyes - after fidelity and trials, fragility and recovery - one sees a surge of powerful, conscious tenderness that emerges and that is the indicator of a desire a thousand times more alive than that at the beginning?

The Human being is fulfilled by loving

Sexual difference, gift of self and fecundity: the path of love, necessarily passes through here. Taking another path means precluding the experience of the fulfillment of desire, the experience of happiness. Instead, the inseparable intertwining of these three factors that we can synthetically call the nuptial mystery, explains why the man-woman relationship constitutes the "serious case of love".


Not "I love you" but "you are":
this is the formula of love.
The formula of love is
the affirmation of the other
and the other as destiny.

A. Scola - “The serious case of Love”

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