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Fashion shows

Fashion shows

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Ideas on the catwalk

The most original way, proposed by 'Turris Eburnea', to approach a youth public are the fashion shows, their characteristic ever since the beginning. On the catwalk, non-professionals girls belonging to the group parade wearing tailored made models to testify, at times just with a smile, a feminine style capable of restoring dignity to women's body.

With her own style in fact, each girl communicates herself and what she believes in.

During the fashion shows, through flashes and testimonials, they are offered to live affectivity, friendship, purity and chastity in an alternative way compared to what the world is proposing nowadays.

Just by hearing these words echoed in a fashion context one feels a powerful provocation, arising questions and triggering reactions. External beauty becomes the expression of an inner beauty, a God given gift shining through gazes and clothes.

Fashion shows are always organised free of charge, both in Italy and abroad, and are often the result of Providence’s mysterious encounters which provide favourable circumstances and opportunities.

Since the 1950s, thousands of fashion shows have taken place, and tens of thousands of young people from different continents, religions and cultures have been reached by the messages of the 'Turris Eburnea'.

Newspapers and media have often been effective amplifiers of this new evangelisation.


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