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An education on true love

We are surrounded by sentimental rubbles. How are we to reconstruct a beautiful image of love and marriage to be proposed, even to the youngest, as a summit to be reached in order to  experience the plenitude of the natural desire to love and be loved?

It is today that one’s own tomorrow is built” , used to say the founder don Peyron, emphasising the importance of starting right from adolescence to lay the foundations of a knowledge of oneself and of that magma of emotions and sentiments that, especially to the young, already seem a sure guarantee of having found that precious pearl that we call love.

Learning to love is an art that requires preparation. One cannot improvise. It requires an education of feelings and will, having the courage to say no to sexual experiences before marriage  in order to give oneself fully aware of the importance of the sacrament.

All the wealth of emotional experiences that all teenagers naturally bring with themselves should not be demonized. However it is necessary to help the youngest decipher it, to understand its”grammar”, developing the critical sense that will lead them to discard everything that the  world continues to pass off as love and instead shows itself to be a resounding deceit of the human being.


Rediscovering true Love is an exciting challenge for the young people who must be  invited to re-appreciate values that are on the verge of extinction, such as waiting,  true gymnastics of desire, patience, sacrifice, self-giving, modesty and chastity in so far as an invaluable custodian of that treasure that each one carries within.


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