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There still exists young people
who believe true love
is achieved with the sacrament of marriage!
Turris Eburnea gives to everyone the opportunity to talk about it
and to meet couples that live this way with enthusiasm.


Marriage is:

spuntathe choice to live in a certain way


the starting point of a life journey as a couple

spuntaa gift of love that must be fortified day after day

spuntaan act of extreme trust

spuntathe wish to help each other to reach up

spuntaharmony that needs time, perseverance, trust, fidelity, and loyalty to grow strong

spuntaa commitment that involves mutual responsibilities

spuntaa YES that lasts a lifetime!

with these premises, it will be unique, indissoluble and open to life.


One of the most serious risks today
is to enter marriage without preparation!
the harmony of your family tomorrow depends on how you prepare and whom you choose.


Yeast gives to flour qualities and possibilities that it wouldn’t have otherwise.

With yeast, flour is still flour but not in the same way as it was before being mixed with yeast.

And so it is in the moment when you say “i do”: a new ingredient is added in the love of a man and a woman that are getting married. Their natural, beautiful but always fragile love is transformed. From that moment on, the love that Christ has towards the Church, towards his brethren whom he has won though his crucified love, enters in the love of this man and this woman who are getting married in Jesus Christ.

That transformed love is eternal.

The bride and groom have the duty to render visible the love He has for the limbs of his body, for His Church...

In other words, your “I do” is said to God, who is asking you to put your life in communion with the life of your spouse. Your “I do” is fecund; it is a fount of joy and gives security because it is forever.

The love that manifests itself in “I do” is binding and fascinating because it is forever.

A couple is able to know one another because their “I do” is forever. Even illness and difficulties become instruments of unity. The “I do” which is forever is a source of unlimited fecundity in the more ample sense of the word; it takes away fear, removes anguish and distances worry; it is a tonic, it gives strength and cures.

If this “I do” were not eternal it would disturb the balance of the couple and its children. The parent’s “I do” is a solid foundation for the children because it is eternal.

d. Oreste Benzi

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