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Seekers of beauty

Seekers of beauty

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Being young seekers of true beauty,
every day, in daily life,

also means cultivating an inner beauty
made up of ideas and beliefs.

For a girl in particular this means believing and wanting to protect her dignity, even through modesty, rediscovering  the gift of your own femininity!

We are all beautiful!! Because we have a soul and a body. However, you need to choose what to invest in and usually we invest a lot in what lasts longer ...

In a time dominated by images and an especially the "visual" dimension of existence, it has become necessary to emphasise a beauty that comes from within and not only from the external aspect.

Certainly the girls who contribute to our fashion shows have had the gift of a beauty "that can also be seen from the outside". But the message of Turris Eburnea is that no woman is beautiful unless she also expresses an inner beauty.

And this inner beauty is not just a brightening smile or a serene gaze.

It is also the beauty of those who recognise themselves fully as women and slowly, year after year, accept themselves for what they are and reconcile themselves with their very  nature.

It is the beauty of someone who knows they are different from a man and yet does not play on the weapons of malice or provocation.

In short, it is the beauty of all our inner heritage, which someone higher than us has entrusted to us, and which we must become aware of throughout our life.

And finally, it is the beauty of she who loves: first letting herself be loved and then opening herself to an infinite love.

"Beauty will save the world"

Fyodor Dostoevsky in his novel "the idiot"


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