During the Turris fashion shows, from time to time the music is turned down,
and the person who presents also interviews one of the girls who model.
Here are some of their thoughts because, if we think about it,
it is the ideas that dress the women and it is the clothes we choose that express our ideas.
The body, a wonderful means of communication.
Fashion is a silent language, through her look every woman reveals something of herself.
True elegance is knowing how to choose, with measure and balance.
We are not empty mannequins, but people with their own ideas and beliefs.
What is external beauty for, if there is emptiness inside?
It is today that you build your tomorrow, youth is a wonderful capital.
Falling in love is easy, loving is difficult.
Imparare ad amare è un’arte che richiede preparazione. Non si improvvisa! Richiede un’educazione dei sentimenti e della volontà.
From 13 to 18 years old: those are the decisive years to prepare the ground for a love that will truly be a masterpiece..
Objects are made to be used, people are made to be loved. The world goes wrong because people are used and objects are loved.
Love is to give, it is not to possess.
To love is to wish someone well, to help them grow, to seek together the truth of Love.
To tear love from the trivialisation that kills it.
Love is not a feeling but choosing to love a person.
The beauty of love is exclusivity!
In love, after preparation, choice is everything!! To be able to read the other and truly know him.
You can always turn the page and start over! it does not matter where you’ve been, what you’ve done, what matters is just where you want to go from now on.
You try things, not people! It is not with an “internship” that “Forever” is built.
Learning to love is an art that requires preparation. You cannot improvise! It requires an education of feelings and will.
To love is not to look at each other in the eyes, but to look together in the same direction.
Do we want to be satisfied with the small temporary pleasures of the senses or are we willing to re-read God’s great plan for man and woman that leads to the true joy, the joy of the soul.
Are we still capable of giving ourselves for longer than the click of a mouse or the “like”on instagram
There is a dominant mentality according to which, for example, in order to recognise the right person,
one must first “try her” through cohabitation or other “para-marital” gestures that end up debasing the person and the very concept of marriage.
The bride’s white dress has a profound meaning: it is a symbol of purity, not only physical but also and above all moral and it means that the gift of oneself has been saved for marriage.
To have the courage and the freedom to say no to sexual experiences before marriage is to be able to give oneself as somebody knowing the worth of waiting for the sacrament.