How does it live

How does it live

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Since the very beginning, Turris Eburnea carries out its activities completely for free, exclusive of all commercial or marketable scope, practising the Christian virtue of gratuity.

Trust in the Father Almighty’s Providence is the “motor and fuel” to offer and continue to witness.

All offerings and other alms, of which the great majority are anonymous, of whoever thinks that it is primordial to help youth to rediscover the real value of true, faithful and genuine unsoiled love for a lifelong commitment.

Providence needs each and everyone of us.

For whoever wishes to participate, please note Turris Eburnea’s bank details:

Sede di Torino:       Banca IntesaSanpaolo - IBAN   IT48 G 030 6909 6061 0000 0117085  

Sede di Roma:        Banca IntesaSanpaolo – IBAN  IT42 H 03069096061 000001 70712

Sede di Genova:     Banca IntesaSanpaolo - IBAN   IT17 X 030 6909 6061 0000 0155 533         

Sede di Milano:       Banca IntesaSanpaolo - IBAN: IT39 O 030 6909 6061 0000 0124 419