Aphorisms & quotes about love

Aphorisms & quotes about love

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“To love is not to take another to complete oneself, but to offer oneself to another to complete it. You will be ready for authentic love, when your need and, above all, your will to give, will be stronger than your need and your will to take”

M. Quoist


"There is nothing that occupies more space on the surface of human life than love, and there is nothing that is more unknown and mysterious than love. Divergence between what is on the surface and what is the mystery of love is the source of the drama. This is one of the great dramas of human existence "- K. Wojtyla - The goldsmith's shop


 "Do not forget, then, that, to be authentic, love also requires a path of maturation: starting from the initial attraction and "feeling good” with the other, educate yourselves to ”love” the other, to "Wanting the good" of the other. Love lives on gratuitousness, self-sacrifice, forgiveness and respect for the other. " Benedict XVI to engaged couples, Ancona sept. 2011


 "Prepare to choose with conviction the”forever" that connotes love: indissolubility, before being a condition, is a gift that must be desired, requested and lived, beyond any changing human situation. And don't think, according to a widespread mentality, that coexistence is a guarantee for the future.


 Skipping steps is skipping love, which instead needs to respect the times and the graduality of the expressions ... "    Benedict XVI to engaged couples, Ancona sept. 2011


 "Waiting is the true alphabet of Love. Only those who love await. Indeed we could say that the true yardstick of love is measured by expectations ".    Epicoco


 "To love is not looking each other in the eye, but looking together in the same direction"   A. Saint Exupery


 "To live without a faith, without a heritage to defend, without supporting the Truth in a continuous struggle, is not living but pretending to live." Pier Giorgio Frassati


 You are a beautiful thing, defend your beauty, you deserve so much, you deserve Heaven!            Fabio Rosini


 "Love is not to achieve happiness, that is fleeting and always escapes trying to get it, but love is to achieve the joy of living, which does not have anything to do with happiness but with life." Alessandro D'Avenia "Things no one knows"


 “True dreams are built with obstacles. Otherwise they do not turn into projects, but remain dreams."   A. D'Avenia "White like milk, red like blood"


 "Becoming an adult means finding the patience to fulfill your dreams, without giving them up!"    A. D'Avenia "Things no one knows"


 “Dreams are like stars: you see them all shine when the artificial lights go out, yet they were there even before. It was you who didn't see them, due to the noise of the other lights. " A. D'Avenia "White like milk, red like blood"


 "Young people are not vases to be filled but torches to be lit"     Marco Fabio Quintiliano (35 ca - 95 ca A.D.)


 "It is the time you have wasted for your rose that has made your rose so important."  A. De S. Exupery "the little prince"

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